SAAD Tours / COVID-19 Precautions

[vc_row content_width=”grid” content_aligment=”center” css=”.vc_custom_1607784905325{padding-top: 23px !important;}”][vc_column][mkdf_section_title title=”COVID 19 PRECAUTIONS” title_color=”#d64589″ title_text_transform=”” title_text_align=”center” margin_bottom=”” title_size=”large”][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]

The safety of the clients, visitors, and our employees are the main concern of SAAD Transport Company. For that all personnel and employees including those working under contract to our company were guided to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 by implementing the cleaning and sanitizing process, applicable to all our vehicles, Family MPV, Buses, and their equipment as follows:

  • Maintain physical distancing
  • Stay at home if you feel ill
  • Practice good hygiene
  • Wash hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds
  • Use hand sanitizers (with 70% alcohol-based)
  • Always wear a face mask (must be replaced frequently during a long trip)
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue and discard it immediately
  • Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when cleaning
  • Have a garbage bag in the cab and regularly change


Extra care for group transportation:
Some of the seats will be left vacant to maintain physical distancing between passengers.


Adapting new rules for vehicle dispatch:

  • Reprocess cleaning and disinfecting between vehicle trips
  • Restrict the use of vehicles to a determined number of drivers
  • Apply 24 hours rest to every driver after any airport transfer or long trip
  • Face must should be worn by driver and clients at all times.



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